2022 - Mark McGill, Joe Taylor, Paula Collins, William Green, Amanda Hawkins, Chance Shadbolt, Billy Harrow, Judy Malott, Patricia Berry, Terry Morgan, Jason Turner, Cody Reagle, Eric Cole, Robin Mathieu, Glen Larson & Jennifer Dotson.
2021 - Robert Barns, Mark Bayes, Danny “Greasy” Belcher, Rob Blackburn, Doug Eades, Carl Fitzgerald, Tara Gibson, Dana Justice, Deborah Kinkaid, James “Dopey” Lyons, Jason Mathieu, DJ Miller, Stacey Miller, Ronald Rothbauer, Greg “Whitey” White, Terri Williams
2020 - Monty Heim, Bob Flowers, Al Campbell, Daniel, Paul Marksberry, John Mckinney, Daniel Boone, Lee Hutcherson, Michelle Hutcherson, Angel Clarida, Tony Crowell, John Pike, Jimmy Holt, Anna Holman, Tracey Meade, Denise Hylton, Tim Hammons and Carl Fitzgerald.
2019 - Bonnie Hughes, Patricia Houghes, Jessica Price, Mandy Barns, Steve Howard, Robert Truman, Stacy Perkins, Glenda Hobbic, Stacey Loy, Anissa Loy, Ralphina Thomas, Angela Turner, LaDonna Powel, Dale Corum, Mickey Bybee and Effi Houchins.
2018 - Ray Poirer, Donald Ashcraft, Kim Plummer Nethery, Rhanda Hahn, Mark Neische, David Pegram, Hershel Thomas, Cynthia Burton, Paul Marksberry, Christy Mauldin, Tommy Duncan, Peanut Lawrence, David Owen, James Runyon, Brenda Williams and David Holt.
2017 - Melisa Guenther, Denver Berry, Don District, Jennifer Carton, Al Campbell, Jerry Spegal, Steve Burbank, Morris Keene, David Holt, Gina Rahoi, Nelson Bishop, Brenda Williams, Roger Courtney, Wild Bill, Robin Piper and Johnny Hardin.
2016 - Travis Collins, Phyllis McClure, Mike Canchola, Tim Brashear, Keith Roberts, Michelle Miller-Schmidt, Barbra Couch, Mindy Thompson, Saun Sferro, Timmy Druen, Jerry Ellis Sr and David “Tiny” Crumpton.


During the Revolutionary War in America, the Minutemen played a critical role in protecting in defending towns and settlements and often were the first armed militia to arrive for a battle. Most often they had no leadership and were made up of small, handpicked group that was highly mobile and assembled quickly. One particular squarish 16-minute men took on a whole brigade. Instead of taking on the overwhelming numbers, the minutemen used ‘gorilla tactics’ (unheard of at the time) to perform random attacks to greatly reduce the numbers of the enemy.

Basically the moral of the story… a few people can make a HUGE difference! Each year the KMA/KBA selects 16 members from across the state that have gone above and beyond in being a freedom fighter! Therefore we recognize their actions!


© 1982 Kentucky Motorcycle Association